To Cook Books

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The Big Book of Amazing Cakes

Two weeks into 2020 and Sandi is already making big moves, departing GBBO. Farewell Sandi! You will be missed.

But, as long as there is a job opening, perhaps producers are interested in an application from an unqualified unknown American? Or Richard Ayoade. Either of us could be good.

With Sandi acting on her resolution to move on to work that doesn’t involve cake, it’s time to take stock of my own New Year’s resolutions, that often do involve cake.

My Culinary & Literary Resolutions for the Year 2020.

1.    Victoria Sponge. I have never made the classic sandwich. Until now. Check!

2.    Yule log/Croquembouche . These will be seasonal attempts for Christmas desserts, so buying myself a lot of time on this one. 

3.    From croque to crock. It’s time to utilize the Crock Pot I pilfered from my parents’ basement with grand ideas of hearty stews and cold weather meals, which now sits unused in the cabinet. 

4.    Bring lunch to work instead of dropping $16 on a Nutella açaí bowl. This resolution is fiscally as well as calorically driven. 

5.    One night a month, learn to cook a well-rounded, authentic meal in the tradition of different cuisines. Italian, French, Bangladeshi, Mexican, and so on. Taking my taste buds around the world.

6.    Also be healthier; eat less junk, move more, lose some winter weight, etc. A classic resolution. 

7.    Join a book club. The last real book club I was in was the local library’s mother-daughter book club in middle school. 

8.    Read Les Miserables.  I was gifted a beautiful, dauntingly old set of first edition Les Mis volumes. I am afraid to touch them with my grubby little 21st century fingers much less open them up and read a page. But books are made to be read.

9.    52 books. Aiming for one post per week, that should yield 52 books in a year. Long, short, fiction, non, child, adult, not picky about genre. Just 52. But I’m already behind!

10.  Co-host Great British Bake Off. Just kidding! Unless…?